
  SM Entertainment has revealed that their upcoming project group, ‘S.M. THE BALLAD‘, will postpone their album release until November 29th.
  A representative from SME expressed, 『Originally the album was planned to be released on November 25th, but due to the Yeonpyeong Island skirmish, the album will be delayed until the 29th in consideration of the social atmosphere.』
Since the teasers were released from the 22nd, there has been high anticipation from fans.
Desiring to avoid disappointing fans, the track “Really Missing You” will be available on the 28th via major online music sites.



  朝鮮炮擊事件發生後,原定近期推出新專輯的眾多韓國歌手紛紛推遲專輯發售日期,SM娛樂公司的新組合S.M THE BALLAD也於25日宣佈將推遲發售該組合第一張專輯。

  S.M THE BALLADSuperjunior成員圭賢、SHINee成員鐘鉉、Trax成員JaySM公司新人歌手JINO組成,該組合原定于25日淩晨推出首張專輯,不過朝鮮炮擊事件突然發生而不得不推遲發售新專輯。

  SM公司負責人表示,雖然S.M THE BALLAD的首張專輯因不得已的情況推遲發售,不過該專輯主打歌《非常思念》將於28日率先通過網站發佈,以彌補專輯不能如期發售帶給歌迷們的遺憾。



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